Danser Chanter Aimer (Dance Sing Love)
An exhibition by Valentina Traïanova
12 December 2023 – 29 February 2024
“Danser Chanter Aimer” brings together never before exhibited drawings, sound sculptures, a video performance as well as the performance “Lust”, written especially for this exhibition. They all derive from the same gesture and reveal a process – each work is in fact multiple in its forms, and sometimes in dialogue with other works of literary or artistic movements: Mary Wigman’s Hexentanz with “Danse de la sorcière”; Kurt Schwitters’ Ursonate with “Schtipta canta kak ta rooooo ooo u”; Barnett Newman’s Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue with “Who’s afraid of a signer”? Last but not least, Antony Trayanov’s world of animation and his film “Point of View” („Гледна точка“) are reflected in the “Flaque” series by Valentina Traïanova.
Come our voices form a mountain
performance by Adriana Gheorghe
Swimming Pool
11 November 2023, 15:00–18:00
Public Program of Center for Social Vision 2023
swimming pool and various places
29 September – 29 October 2023
The Center for Social Vision is a long-term initiative for the exchange of experience, action and independent policies in the field of art. We have now moved into the second year of this platform through conversations and meetings, outlining the field and focus of our work in 2023.
Focus New Ecologies
A useless guide to Vartopo and its weeds
A publication by Andrea Popyordanova and Francesca Castagnetti
“A useless guide to Vartopo and its weeds” is an invitation to get out and meet a place through your own senses and impressions.
Stárková, Blaha, Menoušek: Lavabo
Solo performance by Lukas Blaha
23 & 24 August 2023, 20:00
Focus New Ecologies
Public Program | New Ecologies
Lectures, talks and presentation of a publication
Lectures, talks and presentation of a publication
Focus New Ecologies
Part 3 | New Ecologies
Billy Mateeva, Elena Nazarova, Maria Nalbantova
4 July – 10 August 2023
The third and final exhibition of the project “New Ecologies” presents works by Billy Mateeva, Elena Nazarova and Maria Nalbantova, which pay attention to the way we use nature, whether in a ritual or political context. Often instrumentalized, the nature is at the centre of utopian political ideas, used in the “innocent” rituals of diplomacy, or is inextricably linked to beliefs in which the culture–nature dichotomy does not exist.
Focus New Ecologies
Part 2 | New Ecologies
Martin Atanasov, Marina Genova, Cédric Van Parys
23 May – 29 June 2023
The second part of “New Ecologies” presents installations by Martin Atanasov, Marina Genova and Cédric Van Parys, each of which opens up a different perspective on ecology as a hybrid environment and questions the nature-culture dichotomy we have inherited from modernity. The works of the three artists address the interactions, entanglements, engagements, and experiences in what surrounds us – including what is inside us as an inseparable part of – and question what kind of world we actually want to live in.
Фокус Нови екологии
Part 1 | New Ecologies
Nevena Ekimova and Public Program
25 April – 18 May 2023
The first of three exhibitions that will take place within New Ecologies will open with Nevena Ekimova's installation The First Ten Lifetimes or So Usually Suck. The work emerged in response to the project's main concepts and was made especially for the space of Swimming Pool.
Focus New Ecologies
New Ecologies
Billy Mateeva, Elena Nazarova, Marina Genova, Maria Nalbantova, Martin Atanasov, Nevena Ekimova, Cédric Van Parys
25 April – 10 August 2023
А project about a different approach to the concept of "environment". And while we traditionally associate it with nature and biodiversity conservation, it has meanwhile received an important development to include anthropogenic ("man-made") factors.
Focus Institutions
Networks of De-institutional Architecture: Bulgaria
Work-in-progress exhibition by arch. Ivan Bonev
16 March – 13 April 2023
"Networks of De-institutional Architecture" is a research of the non-institutional phenomenon of the common spaces in the city. It tells the story of the places that host people's everyday shared activities and describes little-known aspects of the cities we live in, presenting architecture, behaviour and governance of individual examples and networks of de-institutional spaces.
No Man's Land
An exhibition by Dessislava Terzieva
8 December 2022 – 23 February 2023
For the series “Illegal Аliens” (2022-), the artist transported Bulgarian idioms and store titles onto abandoned stand alone structures in Detroit. The exhibition in Swimming Pool features documentation of the “Illegal aliens” in Detroit. While the photographs look somber and distant, they question whether representation is possible at all, or is it rather demarcating the ghostly presence of these texts that exist as foreign entities in the space they inhabit.