
Module 4: Future Perspectives
4 June 2022


  • Emanuele Guidi

  • Valentinas Klimašauskas

Neither Mountains nor Malls – Оn Media and Mediation in Environmental and Institutional Thinking
Lecture by Emanuele Guidi*
4 June, 17:00–18:00

In response to the title, Negotiation, Emanuele Guidi will look at the centrality of the figure/role of the “mediator” as emphasized by the environmentalist, activist and translator Alexander Langer in his “A Tentative Decalogue for the Art of Inter-Ethnic Togetherness”. The lecture will build on recent projects at ar/ge kunst, Bolzano, and propose examples of “mediators, bridge builders, wall jumpers and frontier explorers” (Langer) between the dualistic thinking that separates environmental and cultural categories.


On New Artists’ Roles in the A/Social Age of Automation, Disinformation and Data Abundance
Lecture by Valentinas Klimašauskas*
4 June, 18:00–19:00

Valentinas Klimašauskas would like to raise the question of what is left of the social dimension in times that may be described as the age of surplus of data, disinformation, polarization, surveillance capitalism meeting the surveillance state, thinking machines and other topics that include new and old colonialisms. Drawing examples from recent artistic practices by various artists, Klimašauskas would like to present a few comments on the current state of the social in contemporary art and the speculative future.

Read on Journal for Social Vision an interview with Valentinas as a follow-up of the discussion in June 2022.